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Summer Sounds concerts for 2019

Summer Sounds
Summer Sounds

A picnic on the lawn among the Gum Trees… Children dancing to the music… The sound of Kookaburras preparing for nightfall…. What better way to spend a warm summer evening in Canberra?

The Australian National Botanic Gardens’ popular Summer Sounds concerts will be held during the first two weekends of February, featuring some of Canberra's best-loved bands, street food stalls and dance workshops on the Eucalypt Lawn.

Bring your own picnic or sample the delicious food and drinks on offer. Save the dates and book your family and friends to join you.

Sponsored by Icon Water and the Friends of the Gardens.

Library Connect, December 2018

The December 2018 edition of Library Connect (PDF, 497 kB) includes an article about the new Banksia Garden, scheduled to open April 2020; information on the new Plant Humanities Initiative; Library Christmas Arrangements and a great collection of new books.

Friends Library Connect December 2018

Growing Friends Autumn Sale

30/03/2019 - 8:30am to 31/03/2019 - 10:45am


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