Summit Walk

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Sunday, 23 July 2023 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
Along Summit Walk
Along Summit Walk

The Summit Walk, a joint initiative between the ACT Government, the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) and Telstra, was officially opened on 26 July 2000.

Join our ANBG Guides, and FoBM guide Michael Doherty, a local plant ecologist, to hear about some of the winter flowering plants in the gardens and on the mountain as well as other plants during a ramble up the north-eastern slopes from the clock near the ANBG entry bridge up to the Summit of Black Mountain. Michael will also be talking about some very old trees (with ‘elephants’ feet’?), and how trees and shrubs that show scars and rejuvenation cope with fire.

Participants are welcome to walk up and back, but if you would prefer not to walk down, ask a friend to meet you at the top. Or if you would like to only walk down then meet us at the top about 1.5 hours after the start.

The Summit Walk has steep sections, so it is suitable for fit walkers (including children over the age of 12).

Meet     outside Visitor Centre, Australian National Botanic Gardens.
Bring    Friends, water, and snacks, if you wish and Gold coins donation.
Wear    sturdy shoes, hat, and sun cream …and remember to dress for walk in winter weather if it is cold.

Bookings essential      Places are limited on these very popular rambles, so please email your name and phone number to, or phone Linda (0437 298 711). It helps so that you can be contacted in case arrangements need to change (e.g. adverse weather).

Tickets are limited, please notify us if you are unable to come on 0437 298 711

Happy walking,
Linda Beveridge
Convenor, Friends of Black Mountain