Dr Nina McLean and Nathan Kay ‘Fire Recovery in Namadgi National Park’

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Thursday, 20 July 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Nina McLean portrait
Nina McLean portrait

Nina and Nathan, from ACT Government Parks and Conservation, will talk about the recovery plan and monitoring of two endangered Sphagnum Bogs and Associated Fens so that they are viable and well-represented community in their natural geographic range.

Nina McLean is the Monitoring and Evaluation officer with the Office of Nature Conservation (formerly Conservation Research) with the ACT Government. For the last couple of years she has been working on the Sphagnum bogs and fens, in particular around understanding their condition and the effectiveness of post-fire management actions. Before her time with the ACT Government she completed her PhD and spent several years studying the impacts of climate change on birds.

Dr Nina McLean is the Monitoring and Evaluation officer with the Office of Nature Conservation (formerly Conservation Research) with the ACT Government. For the last couple of years she has been working on the Sphagnum bogs and fens, in particular around understanding their condition and the effectiveness of post-fire management actions. Before her time with the ACT Government she completed her PhD and spent several years studying the impacts of climate change on birds.

Nathan Kay as Senior Ranger, Namadgi National Park, coordinates operational works in Namadgi, primarily focussing on invasive plants, vertebrate pests and visitor management. In the wake of the 2020 Orroral fire, Nathan coordinated the rehabilitation works on the ground informed by the ACT Sphagnum Bog Rehabilitation and Monitoring Plan 2020-31.

Booking Link:  https://www.trybooking.com/CGTII

Lunchtime talks are held at 12.30 pm every Thursday from February to November.  Talks last for 1 hour.  We welcome donations by gold coins, notes, or electronically. The Friends use donations received at each talk to support Gardens’ programs and development and thank all those who have donated.  Please note: unless otherwise indicated, talks are in the ANBG Theatrette.

It is a good idea to reserve a seat at the talks that you wish to attend; several talks are booked out very quickly.  Bookings can be made from the Friday before the talk until Wednesday night before the talk or until seating limits are reached. 

The Booking Link is: https://www.trybooking.com/CGTII

The Friends of the ANBG thank the speakers who volunteer their time and talents to further the knowledge of all attending events in the Gardens. Some summaries or PowerPoint presentations of Thursday talks are available to Friends at the ANBG library. Please direct queries about the talks to the Thursday Talks Team: email talks@friendsanbg.org.au

The talks are in line with COVID-19 guidelines which can change rapidly.