Friends' Summer Butterfly Walks

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In summer we see not only how colourful butterflies are when they fly, but also how well “camouflaged” they are when resting on logs or rocks.

Members of the Friends of the ANBG can join a special walk to hunt for Imperial Jezebels, Australian Painted Ladies, Common Brown butterflies and others.  We all love sunlight, and we owe many glorious and sweet-scented flowers to the butterflies and moths that pollinate them. Join our local expert, Dr Suzi Bond to see and hear about butterflies and the plants they like in the ANBG.

There will be two walks on Sunday, 22 January 2023:

  • Morning walk - 10:30am to 12:00pm
  • Afternoon walk - 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Copies of the “Field Guide to the Butterflies of the Australian Capital Territory” by Suzi Bond with Steve Holliday and John Stein are for sale in the Botanical Bookshop.

Meet: Visitor Centre, ANBG 
Bring: Binoculars to see the butterflies more clearly if you wish. Water. Snacks if you wish.
Wear: Sturdy walking gear, including hat and stout shoes.
Cost: This event is for Friends Members only.
Bookings essential: Places are limited. Please book at

Contact for enquiries: email  or contact Linda 0437 298 711