Walk - Curious about Plants and Fire on Black Mountain?

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Saturday, 9 April 2022 - 9:30am to 12:00pm

Join plant ecologist Michael Doherty for a walk and talk about fire patterns and fire history on Black Mountain and learn more about the varied responses of some of the common plants there to fire, drought and low nutrients. We will also discuss the relationships between the response of vegetation to fire, and fire management now and into the future.

This event is organised by the Friends of Black Mountain.You may also enjoy other walks on Black Mountain arranged for the Canberra and Region Heritage Festival.

Some books will be for sale.

Meet: at Frith Road Acton, near electricity sub-station. Look for the banners.

This walk is a ramble, with some steep sections and rough uneven ground

Cost: Suggested donation of $5          

Bring: Friends, water, snacks, sturdy shoes, hat, sun cream.  

Bookings essential: Places are limited, please email your name and phone number to friendsofblackmountain@gmail.com, or phone Linda (0437 298 711) or Libby (6296 1936) so that you can be contacted if arrangements need to change (e.g. adverse weather).