Native Wildlife Exhibition

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Emu 1 (Dromiaus novaehollandiae) - Gouache on boiled paper - Wendy Antoniak
Emu 1 (Dromiaus novaehollandiae) - Gouache on boiled paper - Wendy Antoniak

The Friends Botanic Art Groups are showing us a new side of life with their latest exhibition at the Visitor Information Centre.

The end-of-year special Australian Native Wildlife exhibition will be open until 12 January 2020. The collection of works features original paintings, drawings and other works of Australian native wildlife, as well as large variety of greetings cards, bookmarks and other goods - many of them ideal as Christmas gifts. There are both framed and unframed works available in a variety of sizes and a range of prices. The works have all been created by artists from the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Botanic Art Groups, and many of them show off their talents as both wildlife and botanical illustrators with birds, butterflies and other creatures shown in their native plant habitat.

Unlike previous exhibitions, the framed works on sale can be taken away immediately - if you are considering one as a gift then there will be no need to wait until the exhibition closes.

The Visitor Information Cantre will be open between 9:30am and 4:30pm on every day except Christmas Day.