Growing Friends Shadehouse Upgraded

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Early in 2014 the Growing Friends were asked if some surplus benches from the ANBG nursery could be used as a better support basis for the propagated plants being raised.  This would be an improvement but the existing “sleeper beds”, which had substantially degraded, would need to be removed first. 

A funding proposal was submitted to the Friends Project Committee to recommend to Friends Council that the project should be funded for $7,510 for a contractor to do this removal work. 

An “official opening” of the newly installed benches was held on Thursday 18th June with special guest Dr Judy West and Friends President Ms Lesley Jackman presiding.  Friends Council, the Projects Committee, and ANBG Staff were invited to attend with afternoon tea supplied by the Growing Friends.

Interested in becoming a Growing Friend?  Kath Holtzapffel   (02)6281 5817