Black Mountain bird observation walk

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Saturday, 8 July 2023 - 9:00am to 11:00am
Golden Whistler (Photo: Lindsay Hansch)
Golden Whistler (Photo: Lindsay Hansch)

Come and join a small group of Friends with varying levels of bird identification expertise to observe some of the bird life on Black Mountain. Will we see some of the regular winter migrants such as scarlet robins and golden whistlers that are moving around at present, along with many of the species that reside in the area year round?

The walk will cover part of the north-western section of the reserve. If you are interested in the birds of Black Mountain, please contact Julie. Please feel free to let your other friends and networks know, too.

When:     9.00 to 11.00 am Saturday 8 July 2023

Meet:      Belconnen Way car park and entry to Black Mountain.

Bring:      Water if you wish. 

Booking:  As this will be a small group, places are limited. Please email your name and phone number to Julie Hotchin on or call on 0438 516 972.