Minutes of Friends' Council Meeting 7 August 2012

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Meeting of Council

Tuesday 7 August 2012
1:30 PM Banks Meeting Room


1    Attendance

David Coutts (Chair), Barbara Podger, John Connolly, Lesley Jackman, Marion Jones, Andy Rawlinson, Warwick Wright, Dennis Ayliffe.

 Ex officio:    Peter Byron, Steve Speer, Alan Munns, Glenys Bishop, Jan Finley.

 Apologies:    Anne Campbell, Anne Phillips, Judy West.

2    Confirmation of Minutes of Council

The minutes of the Council meeting of 10 July 2012, were confirmed (moved Lesley Jackman, seconded Marion Jones).

3   Matters arising from Minutes of meeting of 10 July 2012

3.1   Centenary

  • The programme is still being locked in.
  • Jennifer Salkeld had provided a revised budget for the Bush Capital event.
  • David Coutts asked that more notice might be given to such applications involving the Friends. It is hoped that a coordinating committee might address this
  • The questions of the public liability insurance and the wording of the proposed functions set out in the Deed of Grant have to be resolved.
  • Jennifer was to be asked to look at the Bush Capital function costings attributed to the Friends to make sure the figures are reconciled.

3.2   Friends Office & Storage Space

  • The storeroom in the Ellis Rowan Building, offered by Peter Byron, is still being used for laundry storage by Floresco. Sharing the space is an option. 

  • The small room (ex toilet) may be all that we need if the swing of the door can be changed.
  • The matter will be discussed with Floresco management
  • The coolroom may be available to us. Steve Speer will investigate

3.3  Eucalypt Walk

  • 20 Eucalypt specimens had been looked at but some were not good specimens.
  • Sabrina Sonntag was reviewing the number with Anne Campbell and John Turnbull.

3.4  Wattle Book Launch – 1st September

  • The order of proceedings has been settled.
  • The invitation list was still being drawn up. Friends, particularly the Council and guides, would be invited.
  • Refreshments are to be tea, coffee & finger food.
  • Media coverage would have to be through the Wattle Day Committee.
  • David Coutts & Lesley Jackman would decide if and how the Wattle Day Dinner would be advertised.

4  General Business

4.1  Projects

  • The installation of the Theatrette Projector should take place in the next month or so.

  • Millenium would supply the code for the controller software.
  • The Water Fountain should be installed by summer
  • The Environmental Monitoring Stations are now working but there was still a problem with the Rainforest station software and the VIC kiosk computer is being repaired.

4.2  Annual General Meeting

  • No reply had come from the Minister’s office so the AGM speaker was still uncertain.
  • The date of the AGM may have to change but members would be notified by an occasional newsletter.

4.3  Alpine Project

  • A meeting with ANBG, Krisianne Harmann and David Coutts had been held
  • The Alpine display garden is being re-established for spring.
  • The Project is being extended into 2013 but no further funding from the Friends is required.
  • Information on progress and outcomes will appear on the ANBG website.
  • The Friends will be kept informed of research papers and reports arising from the project,

4.4  ANPC Conference

  • Kristianne Harmann has started assisting with the organisation.
  • The Friends will be involved in the welcoming session at ANBG on Oct 29th (4:00 to 6:30 PM), probably including some guided walks.
  • Help will be needed for the planting of the “21 gums” salute.
  • The Friends has given $1000 towards programme or report printing.

4.5  Centenary Seniors Week Grant

  • Jennifer Salkeld had submitted a rushed application with the Friends named as grantee.
  • No reply  had been received

4.6  AFBG Conference & MOU with BGANZ

  • At present, 7 members are planning to go to Port Augusta.
  • David Coutts said that he was happy with the MOU apart from the clause about sharing membership data bases.
  • Some copies of the Flower book and DVD would be taken for sale.

4.7  Schools Photographic Competition

  • Carol Summerhayes has taken over the running of the competition with support from Shirley McKeown.
  • The website would be altered accordingly.

4.8  Public Art Committee

  • A committee had been formed and met.
  • Lynden Ayliffe was the Friends representative
  • Pamille Berg will have a model of the Red Centre Meeting Place art work  soon.

4.9  Member Information Communication

  • Following information that a few members felt that there was insufficient dissemination of decisions of Council it was decided to post the minutes of Council meetings on the Friends website once they had been approved.
  • Other information, such as Agendas and approvals of projects, would also be considered.
  • An annual members’ forum was also suggested.

5    Reports

5.1  Executive Director

  • The Executive Director’s report is included in the report by the General Manager at 5.2 below.

5.2  General Manager

  • The budget is now in place but decisions on the capital works programmes are still a month away.
  • No new assets will be funded.
  • The scheduling of implementation of the management plan  is taking place. Information on this will be put up on the ANBG website.
  • David Coutts asked that the Friends be kept closely informed on implementation actions.
  • The Caring for Country Grant application had been successful. This was a joint project with the CPBR and Greening Australia to set up a seed orchard for threatened grasslands species. A substantial amount of money is involved.
  • The Seedbank has also received a couple of research grants
  • David Coutts pointed out that a meeting between the Friends Executive and ANBG management is overdue.
  • The rocks in the Red Centre Garden are all placed now, sub-soil drainage is being installed and sand/soil will start being bought as this is finished.
  • The tender for the viewing platform will be advertised soon.

5.3  Friends Liaison

  • Laura Schweikle has resigned and Mya from the VIC will act in the position until it is advertised.
  • The Horticultural Manager position is to be advertised.
  • There is an ANBG programme for National Science week starting Sunday 12 August.
  • Floresco is starting Friday night Happy Hour with talks on Friday
  • There are couple of Horticultural workshops coming up.  This is hoped to be a forerunner of a more extensive programme later in the year.
  • Jennifer Salkeld has proposed setting up a “Major Events Planning Group” to coordinate planning and sponsorship applications for events etc. A couple of representatives from the Friends would be sought .
  • The initial focus would be the Summer Concerts and the Bush Capital Centenary events.
  • Jan Finlay and Barbara Podger were nominated  as Friends representatives and the first meeting would be on August 31 at 9:30 AM
  • The After Dark Walks continue to be well patronised with September nearly booked. The Spring programme is in place but further thought is being given to the viability in Summer with daylight saving and the long twilight.
  • Flora Explorer is averaging around 3 per trip. It is highly weather dependent but should improve with warmer weather.
  • There are numbered of requests for booked tours. There will need to be coordination with the driver-guides.
  • Barbara Podger and Glenys Bishop drew attention to a need for the drivers to meet periodically particularly if the driver information meeting on Aug 21 results in some non-guide recruits. A roster co-ordinator is also necessary to ensure that booked tours can take place.
  • There had been some problems with Eventopia booking service and another agent will run in parallel.
  • ANBG would like all function bookings to go through the booking agent and not the VIC.
  • An assessment of the value of free event advertising had placed a value of this at more than $60,000.

5.4     Treasurer

  • The treasurer tabled the income and expenditure statements for July.
  • The President stated that he had inspected the bank statement for July and approved it.
  • Council approved the accounts and the payments (M. Jones, J. Connolly

5.5     Secretary

  • The list of correspondence for July had been circulated and copies of the  sub-committee reports, letters and emails were tabled. A reply had finally been received from the Minister’s Office concerning the efficiency dividend.

5.6     Public Fund

  • A meeting is scheduled for 6th September.
  • A funding project for interpretive signs and a brochure for the Eucalypt Walk will be proposed.

5.7     Membership      

  • There were no new members in July.

5.8     Thursday Talks

  • The Bernard Fennessy lecture has been put back to 20th September
  • The Talks programme for the rest of the year is in place with a couple of changes from what was in Fronds
  • ACT Centenary monthly themed talks were arranged to August 2013 and the ordinary talks were in place to May.
  • The talk by Dr Grimshaw on November 22 will go ahead as transport from and to Sydney has been arranged by Roger Farrow.
  • There was discussion on “Memorial Talks” in general and it was decided that there should be a “sunset period”, probably 5 years on such. The Bernard Fennessy lecture next year would be the last in that series.

5.9     Newsletter

  • The Newsletter went out on time.
  • Hopscotch had donated some movie DVDs and it was proposed to offer them as prizes on a Friends Website competition with the winner announced at the AGM.

5.10   Guides

  • The minutes of the 17 July meeting were received
  • Glenys Bishop will discuss Wattle Walks  in the first week of September and Spring Flower walks during Floriade at the next Guides meeting
  • The walks will be mentioned in the next broadcast email.

5.11   Social Events

  • Jan Finley reported that organisation of the Breakfast with Birds had be taken over by the Social Events subcommittee with Louise Muir involved.
  • There was discussion on the provision of breakfast for guides. Floresco were to be approached to clarify.
  • Jan Finley had circulated proposals to look at sponsorship issues, including those of equity in situations such as “free breakfasts”. Liaising with ANBG on sponsorships to prevent problems is seen to be needed.
  • Jan was asked to develop the proposals further.
  • It was decided to revert to a general invitation to Friends around the Lake to any of the Breakfast with Birds walks.

5.12   Growing Friends

  • A meeting report dated 7 July was received
  • Spring plant sale set for 10th Nov 2012

5.13   Website

  • The website is being maintained
  • The seedy volunteers are proposing to have an interactive page which will provide some challenges
  • Alan Munns will be away for about 10 weeks but others on the committee will look after updates.

5.14   Botanic Art Group

  • Lesley Jackman and Lynden Ayliffe have had discussions with the ANBG management about placement of the purchased painting. The Dickson Room is a likely spot.
  • The committee was looking at longer term policy on purchases and display of art works

5.15   Photography Group

  • Lesley Jackman reported that about 19 had turned up to the last meeting, including a few new members.
  • The Gardens is planning a photographic display of “Families and Friends in Botanic Gardens” and the Group will be producing photos of the ANBG for this.
  • The Group will have its own exhibition in the VIC in early 2014.
  • Davis Coutts said that the Garden History Society had indicated some interest in obtaining flower photos. This was to be followed up.


Next meeting of Council: 1.30 pm, Tuesday 4 September 2012

in the Dickson Room ANBG

Approved by Council 4 September 2012

D Coutts, President