2021 Annual General Meeting - change of date
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The 33rd Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the ANBG will be held on 29 October 2021, at 3.15 pm for 3.30pm.
Please note the change of date and time.
Ian Wark Theatre at the Shine Dome, 15 Gordon Street, Acton ACT OR via Zoom, if COVID restrictions prevent assembly.
Should a Zoom meeting be required, details will be published on the Friends’ website and in the Friends’ e-newsletter.
Provisional Agenda
- Opening and Welcome
- Apologies – please see Note 2 below
- Acceptance of minutes of 32nd AGM held on 15 October 2020
- President’s report – Neville Page
- Treasurer’s Report – Helen Elliot
- Report by Executive Director of ANBG – Dr Judy West
- Election of Officer-bearers and Council members - see Note 3 below
- Appointment of Auditor 2021-2022
- Award of Life Membership
- Any other business
Note 1: The meeting is scheduled to finish at 5pm. The Ian Wark Theatre is now accessible through the front entrance of the Shine Dome, and friends may use the main car park. Masks must be worn and participants are asked to use the Check In CBR app on entry.
Note 2: Apologies can be forwarded to the Secretary at ayliffelynden@gmail.com
Note 3: Elections will be held for the position of Vice President, and one ordinary member of Council. If a current member of Council nominates for and is elected to another vacant position, there will be an additional vacancy. Please contact the Secretary at ayliffelynden@gmail.com or the Friends website for further details and nomination forms.
Nominations for election to Council must be made in writing by completing the Nomination form for Friends Council (Word, 10 KB), signed by the nominee and two financial members of the Friends. The form should be lodged with the Secretary by 14 October 2020, together with a brief summary outlining the nominee’s relevant interests and experience.
We depend on members' ideas, knowledge, skills and energy to achieve our goals in supporting the Gardens, especially in the current challenging circumstances and with so many exciting developments at the Gardens to look forward to. Please consider the difference you can make to the Friends and to the Gardens in this way.