Thursday Talks are back!
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Thursday Talks re-commenced on Thursday 18 February 2021 when Dr Karen Ford & Dr Kara Youngentob spoke about monitoring resident and rehabilitated koalas in the Monaro region to guide decisions about the management and conservation of koalas after fire. This first talk was held in the Telstra Tower Theatrette on the ground floor of Telstra Tower.
Bookings for all Thursday Talks are now essential because of the COVID-19 guidelines and limited seating.
Bookings will open on the Friday before the talks, and close on Wednesday night or when all seats have been booked. Numbers are limited, so please book as early as you can, as “first in will be best dressed”.
Please be aware that COVID-19 outbreaks and isolation requirements are subject to change at short notice.
Please ensure that:
- You have not been in a hotspot or prohibited area before attending Thursday Talks.
- You do not attend is you are feeling unwell.
Tickets are limited, please notify us if you are unable to come on 0437 298 711 or 0407 299 704.