Friends Lounge re-opening
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The Friends Lounge will re-open from 31 August, with COVID safe conditions; including a maximum capacity of 6 people, social distancing, and sanitation.
Signs will be placed on the front door and inside the Friends Lounge indicating capacity and COVID-safe practices i.e. physical distancing and sanitation. A QR code sign will also be put in the Friends Lounge to record any person for contact tracing purposes.
ANBG cleaners will do a clean of the room each day to clean the room including touch points. Cleaning supplies will be available in the room and the Rangers will be responsible for refilling low supplies as required.
It will be up to individuals who use the room to wipe down surfaces and disinfect after use.
The Botanical Resource Centre (BRC) will remained closed at this stage due to difficulty in cleaning surfaces such as keyboards and herbarium folders. A ‘no entry’ sign will be placed on the sliding door to this room.