Wattle Walk, Black Mountain

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Sunday, 13 September 2015 - 9:00am to 11:30am

Enjoy a Walk among the Wattles on Black Mountain with local plant ecologist, Michael Doherty. Let’s learn to identify some of the common Acacias found on Black Mountain, including Acacia dealbata and Acacia buxifolia. We will also learn about how Acacias cope with fire and drought. The walk will mostly be flat to undulating, but with a few steeper sections later on in the walk. Books will be for sale.

Meet: Belconnen Way entry, just before Caswell Drive turnoff (look for the balloons).
Bring: Friends and family. Water. Snacks if you wish. ‘Gold Coin Donation’ for Friends of Black Mountain.

Please book: If you are planning to come, please provide your name and phone number to friendsofblackmountain@gmail.com, or phone Linda (0437 298 711) or Libby (0427 542 298). It helps us to let you know if arrangements need to change unexpectedly (e.g. adverse weather).

This is not a Friends of the ANBG event. Information is provided for the interest of our members.